Florida Bugs

A common bug in Florida is the Love Bug. These are black bugs that mate as they fly, thus the name, Love Bug. They are attracted to the odor of car exhaust that has been exposed to sunlight. They like to hang out around the highways and your first encounter with a lovebug will be as it hits your windshield. Lovebugs are prevalent from April to May and again from late August to mid-September. Clean off the dead ones from your car as soon as possible. The acid in the bugs will corrode the finish of your car

Dragonflies are nicknamed the "Florida Mosquito Hawk" as this is one of their main diets. They are able to catch flying insects and are very active near dusk when the mosquitoes start looking for warm bodies to snack on.

Green Darner
Metallic Wood Borer
Giant Swallowtail
Metallic Wood Borer
Assasin Bug
Australian Cockroach
Assasin Bug
Australian Cockroach
Broad Tipped Katydid
Oval Winged Katydid
Broad Tipped Katydid
Oval Winged Katydid
June Bug
Spotted Oleander Catepillar Moth
June Bug
Spotted Oleander Catepillar Moth
Cicadas Killer Wasp
Cicadas Killer Wasp
Mole Cricket
Green Stink Bug
Mole Cricket
Green Stink Bug
Mud Dabber Wasp
Thread-Waisted Wasp
Mud Dabber Wasp
Thread-Waisted Wasp


Golden Silk Spider
Yellow Garden Spider
Golden Silk Spider
Yellow Garden Spider

Brown Widow Spider

Thorny Orb Weaver Spider
Brown Widow Spider
Thorny Orb Weaver Spider

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Florida Bugs

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